Friday, October 1, 2010

things goes complicated when we grow up

everything goes complicated when we grow up 
lets have a look on this pic 

* the upper one shows the things we learn when we are small 
the lower part shows the things we learn when we grow up  *

i likes this pic so much definitely because i am a physic student lolz. On the top of  our right hand side on the second pic, we saw something spread down. That is called secondary cosmic rays (my final year project.) . Cosmic rays are energetic particles originating from outer space that impinge on earth's atmosphere. when cosmic rays enter atmosphere the koan particle is unstable and its quickly interact with others particle and form muon. Muon a high energy particle that slightly interact can reach the ground of our earth. My final year project will doing experiment on the muon that reached the earth. 

i just hand in my proposal last week and my supervisor says my BM is terrible my BI is bad too* haha*  and i gonna redo it. This is the most busy sem i ever had >< hope everything goes through smoothly C=

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